Friday, October 17, 2014

Our last base.

I'm going to try and remain calm & cool, we're finally at the last base on this IVF process. I've been going to my Fertility Dr once a week for 2 months now. Every time I go, I'm doing bloodwork and ultrasound. First sign of problems was when my estrogen levels were 154 instead of less than 50. Come to find out, I had a cyst on my left ovary and it was secreting estrogen.... Who would've thunk it. My Dr wasn't happy with that but she directed me to come back in a week and let's see what happens. I've been sticking myself with a syringe full of Lupron for nearly 2 months. I felt like I was disappointing my husband cause my body refused to play along.

Our recent visit to the Dr showed the cyst is completely gone and my next step is to take progesterone pills 3 times a day. Once that week is over, Wednesday will be the day I go into the Dr office and then she can implant the embryo inside my uterus. The progesterone pill allows my body to hold off on seeing my usual menstrual cycle and can make the uterus healthy & thicker so the embryo can dig deep and eventually grow.

This is going to be an emotion filled week for us. We've done everything right and left nothing to chance. I'm hoping that Science and my body is in full sync with each other. Now I just sit back and wait till I'm pregnant. Science totally rocks!

"It's a process"

Friday, September 5, 2014

My 2nd round of injections.

Welp, I thought I didn't need anymore injections but I was clearly wrong. My Dr said the Lupron injections are to suppress my hormones and on top of that, I have to injest Folgard and Estrace. Then there's the scratch your head vaginal suppositories call Progesterone... Don't ask, just Google it.

Thankfully, that round of meds were very inexpensive, it cost us $75 for everything, compare to the 1st round of meds which cost $2100. I'm very happy my husband's insurance company covers the majority of this IVF procedure, cause this is very costly. Now we have to pay for cryogenic storage of the embryos and that is $1882.18. Shoutout to Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield, they totally rock and Freedom Fertility is just so understanding.

Today I had another ultrasound to measure my beautiful uterus and naturally more bloodwork. I also received my IVF calendar and we're so excited. It's alot of meds but that's why they gave us a calendar so we can keep track of all these meds.

Our Dr did expressed her concerns about transferring 2 embryos because of my 2 c-sections and my mesh covering my hernia, so we just decided to transfer 1 but if that one splits, then we have no choice in the matter. I'll just be considered high-risk and she will put me on modified bed-rest..... Who am I to complain about that.

Now we have to control everything about my reproductive system with all these meds and I have to say, it's definitely worth it all.
We can't wait to see our daughter Eva B. Finkley, she's already loved like she's here already. I have to say, my husband Eric has been there holding my hands and making sure I'm not freaking out.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Trigger injection time.

As I lay on my bed with my left arm stinging from the trigger injection my husband just administered, it is becoming very real... This time next month I should be pregnant with twins... Hopefully!
I really can't express how ecstatic I am to finally be done with daily injections. My stomach looks like mini grenades went off on top of it. All of the injections showed me that I'm one tough lady and my husband can be a great Fertility Nurse. Eric has been to every one of my appointments, bloodwork, he is a constant positive supporter and he knows what to get me when I get into one of my "I'm annoyed" mood. He's trying to make this whole process stress-free as possible and I love him something fierce just for that. He's been talking about twin girls for weeks now, I just hope he really knows what he's wishing for.
Now I'm having dreams about twin girls and everything baby has now been replaced by everything twins.
We decided if they're twins, we'll name them Eva B and Marley Ellé Finkley. I know, I know, we come up with uber names, it's what we do!
Now, the only thing to do is relax and let the HCG meds work inside of me and we go back to Dr on Wednesday morning at 9.30am so my Dr can perform the egg retrieval. This is where the Science goes into high gear cause Eric has to give up his sperm and then they will go to work. I'm also happy to hear from the Genetic testing company that our genes have no mutations and there's nothing wrong with us proceeding on this adventurous path.
Now we wait until......

"IVF is a process"

Friday, August 1, 2014

Next stage?

I'm UP! Why?? Oh yea, I'm scheduled to see Dr. Dicken again for another ultrasound and more bloodwork.
After being stuck 3 times a day.... I'm so over needles! My needle collections bin is reaching maximum level already. I have to say this, my ovaries are Hyperstimulated and no more follicles can grow.... Trust me.
Now I'm getting Cetrotide injections and that prevents me from ovulating plus it's very uncomfortable so I'm hoping my Dr will say I'm done with injections and they want to see me on Tuesday for the egg retrieval. Besides, my hormones aren't playing nice right now, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to cry, laugh or strangle ppl all at the same time. Plus I got the green light to start taking my prenatal pills and so far, my body is reacting great, for now.

The next stage for us is to run a Genetic Test on the embryo(s) and then we wanted 2 girls to be implanted back into the uterus. Gender selection is Science at its best as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully, we only need 1 round of IVF and we get twin girls.
Now I have to get up and get out of the house, I've got a gorgeous uterus to inspect.

"IVF is a process"

Friday, July 25, 2014

Gonal-f & Menopur injections.

I'm not in any pain.... I'm surprised, the ladies in my IVF support group kept saying how painful it was but I didn’t experience that feeling.

I have so much meds, my fridge look like I'm pushing serious weight. I didn't realize how much meds will be coming until I saw it altogether on our kitchen table.

Our Nurse Jocelyn showed us exactly how to use everything and I wrote down everything that needs to be done. Eric couldn't wait to stick me with the needles, he's excited to finally start the process. I have to admit.... I was pretty excited myself but now I'm over it and now we're dreaming about twin girls...... Yes, I said twin girls.

Now we take the meds until Monday morning, that's when our next appt is scheduled and hopefully once we do the ultrasound, we can see the benefits of using the meds.

Now we wait..... Again......

"IVF is a process"

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting over some hurdles.

I have to start off by saying, I wished someone could've told us that there's a lot of emotions that are involved when traveling down this road.

After our Nurse gave us the demonstration on how to administer the meds and our Fertility calendar. We were all set for the next step which is ordering and using the meds. Naturally, nothing went that all. Keep in mind, once the meds are ordered, if you cancel it, you're responsible to pay $500. I'm using Freedom Fertility for my meds, which by the way is going above and beyond to make sure our meds arrive on time.

Come to find out, one of the meds have a price of $5,000..... I need to use 3!! Ok, let's find another way to pay for all my meds. My husband figured his 401k is a great way to get the money for tests that needs to be paid upfront. I'm all for it.... but they have their own paperwork for us to fill out. That process took a week but the great news is.... We're getting our money today and we're going to FINALLY get our meds.

Now we got the call from the clinic and they want me to come in on Thursday for more blood work and another sonogram. I'm going to try and relax now, don't know how much that's going to help but hey, ya never know. I'm thinking about using the 90 minutes massage Groupon voucher my husband got me recently.

"IVF is a process"

Sunday, July 13, 2014

I'm getting better at this.

As I lay in our bed, trying to get comfortable once again, the thought of meeting our Nurse tomorrow morning to see how the IVF meds are administered is not making me anxious like before. I guess the online convos with other IVF patients is definitely working and I've noticed I'm not stressing out big time anymore.
I've seen a lot of pics of the IVF meds and I'm trying not to freak out about receiving them but it's easier said than done.

Our wknd trip to Lancaster, PA was exactly what we needed. No kids and no IVF convos, just us enjoying our Mommy and Daddy time. I'm totally refreshed and I'm looking forward to Monday.

I'll say this, going through this process has made me appreciative and I've gained so much patience from it. Plus, the mini wknd getaways with Eric is a huge emotional boost and I'm told to enjoy it cause the whirlwind hasn't start yet and we won't have the freedom to pick up and leave.

"IVF is a process"

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

They gave us our own Fertility Nurse.

We're feeling pretty comfortable with the idea of forming a great bond with our Fertility Nurse, her name is Jocelyn and she's taking great care of us.... I can't complain.

She went over the fertility meds I have to take, ordering all the meds, genetic testing bloodwork, the reason for taking certain meds and egg retrieval process. Then Eric gave 2 vials of blood and I gave about 9 vials of blood but that's for Genetic testing which cost about $2170.00 but boy is it worth it.

Jocelyn made sure we left her office well informed and ready for the next step. She did give us a calendar with all of the meds and procedures that we're going to go through starting on 7/14. Once we return, she'll show us how to use the meds and how to stick myself. I'm not sure if I can do it but I'm going to learn. Plus, we'll be getting a new calendar with all the good stuff aka procedures.

In the meantime, we're trying to occupy our time with other things besides getting pregnant cause it can take a toll on you. I'm hoping to get away this wknd with just us and we're having a few great supportive framily next wknd.
I hope lil Miss Eva B. Finkley aka Charm7 understand how much we want her once she gets older.... I'm pretty sure her Daddy will remind her.

"IVF is a process"

Friday, July 4, 2014

Time to visit the Oval Office.

I'm not sure if we're supposed to find the Semen Analysis hilarious but hey, you only masturbate in a specimen cup once in your life, if you can't find humour in that then you're screwed.

I'm not sure who's idea to name the room Oval Office but they deserve a raise. Eric didn't like the small variety of magazines and adult videos to assist the men but hey, he got the job done and that's all I need to hear. His major contribution is done and now I have to see a Fertility Nurse to come up with the meds schedule on Monday, I saw a few examples of the meds schedule and it looks scary/intense but I'm sure our Nurse will make sure it doesn't intimidate  us. 

I'm following a few of my friends who's going through IVF and they said to make sure and do other things as a couple besides getting pregnant, they recommended we go away for wknd or go on dates, just don't let trying to conceive (TTC) consume you. So that's what we've been doing..... We've made plans for a getaway this week and I really can't wait to just breathe.

"IVF is a process"

Monday, June 30, 2014

Go to bed!

Welp, I'm still awake! I know I should be asleep by now but Monday morning is going to extra busy and I'm excited but my eyes don't want to cooperate with my brain.
Eric on the other hand is sleeping like a King who won the war, I can't stand his sleeping behind.... I'm jealous to be honest.
I'm hoping tomorrow morning, Dr Dicken perform the Fluid Sonogram and all is well with my uterus. I really can't afford to hear any bad news.
I'm going to try and get some rest now... Positive attitudes ppl!

"IVF is a process"

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

1st IVF Doctor's appt....I'm excited

Well today was our 1st IVF appt and I have to admit, I was excited and nervous....don't ask me why cause I really don't why. I guess I did not want to hear there's nothing they can do to help me get pregnant. Eric on the other hand was Cool Hand Luke, he was smiling and all types of happy.

Once we sat down with Dr. Dicken (our Fertility Doctor), all my fears and questions were all answered and then some. Dr. Dicken was thorough and she kept insisting that we're in the higher percent age because I have 4 children without any medical assistance and Eric is ready to get his custom made daughter, he's 100% confident about his high sperm count.

After hearing the great news about our high chances of getting pregnant again, I was able to ask all of my questions and Dr. Dicken informed us that our next step will be for Eric to supply them with a sperm sample so they can perform the Sperm Analysis and then we have a to speak with the Financial Dept on the 30th of June to verify that our health insurance will cover all of the IVF meds & lab work. In the meantime, I have to go to my Gynecologist for a Pap Smear, the Doctor wants to know my entire reproductive system is in top shape. 

Dr. Dicken said they're going to do lots of blood work and we will be assigned a Fertility Nurse and I hear the calendar they give you is intense but understandable. Now we have to wait..... Again. 

"IVF is a Process"

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

IVF is going to be our life.

I'm very nervous about this entire IVF process. I'm kind of still in shock by the entire way the possibility of having another baby came about but I'm open for it all. Even though I've done so much research on every step/process, I'm really hoping my body does not morph into someone so not me. 

I've read so many different women stories about IVF and I'm really thinking that my story would be entirely different because I'm fertile and I've never had an issue with carrying my children. My mind has been all over the place since 5/31, I'm so amped, I'm ready to start today if I could, but, the waiting game begins from now, great thing is, I've got my doctor's appt for 6/11, and I'm realizing that nothing else even matters anymore. 

I find myself day dreaming about a little girl or a boy and sometimes if I'm sleepy, I'm seeing twins. I'm finding that feeling of being pregnant once again can command such space in my entire body. I'm just so focused on my family and starting the IVF process. I know that's going to be a problem for others but as of right now, if it has nothing to do with the IVF, I'm not concerned. Concentrating on eating foods geared for my upcoming pregnancy has quickly taken room in every conversation. 

Eliminating any stress is a HUGE must. Being extra mindful about what I put into my body was always a top priority but now it's my hour by hour. I know I'll drive my family up the wall but they know how important having another baby means. I just hope I can have a very stress free pregnancy. We're going to document our IVF adventure for all to see that it's very possible.

"IVF is a Process"

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The "are we really talking about this" Talk

Everyone knows we've been chanting over and over again, "NO MORE BABIES FROM US", but as you can see, we changed our minds and it seems that we're just in time.

We are planning on having another child....Charm7. We know, we know, we're crazy/nutters but since we don't care about hearing the negative things, we're only telling about 4 people about our plans for now and once we get pregnant, the baby announcements will follow very close behind.

Who would've thought, Eric and I would be on our porch the day after his bday (5/31), seriously talking about trying to conceive, I thought I was dreaming in the beginning but then when Eric said he would love to have another child with me, I knew I can tell him that I wanted the same thing.....and here we are. 

This is another fun adventure for us as a family to go through and keeping this journal will also show other people that there's a possibility for them to have another child after a Tubal Ligation, all of our Doctor's visit and other IVF procedures will be all here for the world to see.

I hope everyone can support our decision....we're going to need all we can get.

"IVF is a Process"