Wednesday, June 11, 2014

1st IVF Doctor's appt....I'm excited

Well today was our 1st IVF appt and I have to admit, I was excited and nervous....don't ask me why cause I really don't why. I guess I did not want to hear there's nothing they can do to help me get pregnant. Eric on the other hand was Cool Hand Luke, he was smiling and all types of happy.

Once we sat down with Dr. Dicken (our Fertility Doctor), all my fears and questions were all answered and then some. Dr. Dicken was thorough and she kept insisting that we're in the higher percent age because I have 4 children without any medical assistance and Eric is ready to get his custom made daughter, he's 100% confident about his high sperm count.

After hearing the great news about our high chances of getting pregnant again, I was able to ask all of my questions and Dr. Dicken informed us that our next step will be for Eric to supply them with a sperm sample so they can perform the Sperm Analysis and then we have a to speak with the Financial Dept on the 30th of June to verify that our health insurance will cover all of the IVF meds & lab work. In the meantime, I have to go to my Gynecologist for a Pap Smear, the Doctor wants to know my entire reproductive system is in top shape. 

Dr. Dicken said they're going to do lots of blood work and we will be assigned a Fertility Nurse and I hear the calendar they give you is intense but understandable. Now we have to wait..... Again. 

"IVF is a Process"

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